East Brown Cow
While the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, and the State’s reopening plan proceeds, we wanted to share the steps we are taking to keep you, our employees, and our community safe. The safety of our collective East Brown Cow community is always our top priority.
We continue to follow recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), State, and local authorities in taking extra precautionary measures in all properties and at our office. We have implemented enhanced cleaning procedures within the common areas of our buildings and company vehicles. We are also requiring staff to use protective equipment, including face coverings, while on site.
Looking ahead, as many are planning to return to the office or open their doors to customers, we are taking a number of additional steps in alignment with CDC recommendations and State orders to support resumed activities within the buildings in a safe manner. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Twice-daily sanitizing of all high touch surfaces in public spaces within our properties
Installing hand sanitizing stations near building entrances
Providing sanitizing wipes next to elevators within those building entrances
Requiring one person/party to utilize elevator at any given time to allow for appropriate physical distancing
Requiring fire stairs to be utilized for a single direction of travel except for in the event of an emergency
Increasing fresh air flow through the HVAC systems wherever possible and upgrading HVAC filters to MERV 13 Filters
Requesting that all visitors to buildings (including tenants, vendors and customers) comply with the Governor’s orders related to the use of face coverings and physical distancing while in any of the public spaces within our properties such as lobbies, hallways and shared bathrooms
For the time being, our office will continue to be closed to the public and we are limiting the total number of staff in the office at any given time. If you need to stop by for any reason during regular business hours, please knock on the door and a member of our team will assist you. Our maintenance team continues their work of ensuring the safety of our properties. We ask that tenants be mindful when submitting work requests that non-urgent requests may be postponed until further notice.
All tenants and vendors are asked to notify building management immediately if they learn one of their employees or visitors to their establishment has contracted COVID-19 or has been directly exposed, even if not yet showing symptoms.
We continue to urge any tenants with unaddressed questions or financial concerns resulting from the pandemic to contact us immediately in order to discuss individualized arrangements. East Brown Cow takes pride in its properties being part of thriving business districts and a vibrant community – in strong economic times and in these very difficult ones. Our tenants are also our neighbors, and we will do as much as we can to support you in these unprecedented circumstances.
Please keep in mind that the tenant portal on our website is still accessible and your property management team is available by phone and email at all times. We will continue to communicate any new information as things evolve.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and participation in keeping our staff, our buildings, and our community safe and healthy.
Please be well and stay safe.
