By Lori Valigra, Bangor Daily News
"Air quality has been part of the consideration by Gov. Janet Mills and health officials as the state is reopening, since outdoor transmission of the virus has been found to be relatively rare. Restaurants were first allowed only to have takeout, then outdoor dining and finally to resume indoor dining recently.
While it’s unclear how varying degrees of air quality upgrades affect transmission of the virus, one answer to assuring people, experts say, is to provide assurances that the business has done everything it could to make for a safe environment.
Tim Soley, president of East Brown Cow Management, which owns 18 retail, residential and parking properties mostly in the Portland area, said on a recent real estate group webinar that he is upgrading heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or HVAC, systems in his buildings to hospital-grade MERV 13 filters."
